Democracy is not a spectator sport!
The view of Amherst town common filled with protesters is the key point.
Celebrating Susan B. Anthony’s birthday Feb. 15
Check out updates to the whole county from LWV member Patrick White.
CONNECTIONS: How and when do we distinguish the bad from the good?
A good case for continued respect and consideration of others from Carole Owens.
Our hard-working chapter of the League focuses on the critical areas of:
-civics education for middle and high schoolers
-registration and voting
-providing information on local, state, and national elections.
Every time we support the citizenship induction ceremony hosted by the Berkshire Immigrant Center or engage with our local educators, we renew our enthusiasm to promote voting as a right and responsibility of citizenship.
Where do you vote? How do you vote? What do you need to know about candidates and ballot
initiatives? Our chapter hosts meetings on the ballot initiatives, collaborates on voter registration and information events with the NAACP, and communicates with the wider public via local newspapers, social media and local cable TV.
At the national and state level the League lobbies for legislation that protects voter
rights….an issue that becomes more important every day. The League’s voter website (Vote411), provides information on statewide and national candidates for election.
Your membership dues support local, state, and national efforts and your volunteer efforts
makes it all real.
If you have not already done so, please join or renew for the upcoming year.
“Democracy is not a Spectator Sport!”

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